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The Invisible Workflows Project is an intellectual platform that combines academic and professional work to theorize about the workflows that affect the production of architecture. Workflows are the space of contemplation afforded by the technical systems we use to produce work. Many modes of contemporary architectural production continue to prop-up user manuals as novel theories. Workflows are not user manuals.
Workflows bind the material and immaterial systems that make architecture a form of cultural production. To enmesh ourselves in this production it is necessary to link underexamined historical contexts, overlooked present circumstances, and unimagined futures.
These systems contribute to the social, economic, and political processes that define the problematic relationship between architecture and labor. The banality of means of production is at the center of The Invisible Workflows Project.
Gabriela Bairele
En-Ming Chang
Iman Ebadi Paskiabi
Jessica Garcia Fritz
Federico Garcia Lammers
Heidi Kippenhan
Patrick Lynch
Alejandro Marin Rodriguez
Vail Rooney
Brian Skrovig
Josh Wagner
Sarah Wolbert
En-Ming (Jimmy) Chang is an architect and Associate Principal at Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects in New York, NY. Since 2005, he has worked on a variety of projects across the world and has been a Design Team Leader or Design Project Manager for several award-winning projects. In addition to his design leadership, Jimmy is one of the founding members of REACH, Pelli Clarke Pelli's computational design group.
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